About the Center for Research on Empathy and Compassion
The Center for Research on Empathy and Compassion exists to study the neurological basis for empathy and identify the mechanisms that trace compassion from biology to behavior. Our Center's data and discoveries have been known to promote wellness programs that prevent, intercept, and reverse the burnout epidemic afflicting our healthcare community, as well as translate into everyday practices that impact our ability to feel with one another, and to care for one another for generations to come.
Notable Center Programs
Seed Grant Program
We pursue both basic and applied research in empathy and compassion and use the insights derived to enable people to tap into its power for good.
Research Fellows
Intended for students, trainees, and early-career researchers, this program provides financial support to fellows for basic or applied empathy and compassion research.
Collaborative Research
This program provides an opportunity for external researchers, who have a UC San Diego collaborator, to conduct empathy and compassion-related research.

Get to Know Us
Meet the incredible team members that make our Center programs, studies, and events possible.
Explore Funding Opportunities
View open funding opportunities through the T. Denny Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion.
Upcoming Events
We are proud to host a series of empathy and compassion-focused research events year-round that highlight our diverse talent at UC San Diego and beyond. Stay tuned for future events!