Impact & Research
Medical Student Impact
- Each medical student spends ~125 hours with a Mentor Clinician throughout the academic year.
- Students report the individualized/non-evaluative feedback, coaching, mentorship and longitudinal exposure they receive greatly aids in their development as an effective and skilled physician.
- Students value the longitudinal educational sessions, allowing them to put into context the importance of empathy, compassionate communication, health equity, etc. during their patient interactions.
- Students appreciate the MS4 advising program providing individualized guidance for the residency application/interview season, lessening their anxiety and optimizing their application.
Mentor Clinician Program Reflections
- "This was by far the most beneficial part of my 3rd year clinical experience. This was the first time I had an unbiased teacher there strictly to teach me how to improve. Overall, this program made me more confident - reassured what I was already doing well, where I could use more practice, and followed-up longitudinally. I made more improvements in a single month than I have in three years. I feel so much more prepared for 4th year and any future rotation because of this."
- “I really appreciated how our Mentor Clinician emphasized the humanistic side of rounding, as well as medicine. She pulled us back from only seeing illness, and focused on the patients as well as the family. Although seldom done, it’s wonderful that she was able to give us some pointers on the ‘art of medicine’."
Faculty Impact
- Data shows a symbiotic relationship between faculty and Mentor Clinicians (MCs). MCs are able to individually coach the learners with protected time, allowing faculty to efficiently teach content and model excellent patient care in a busy clinical environment.
- Faculty evaluations from medical students significantly improved after program implementation.
- Increases faculty development and scholarship specific to medical education.
Results to Date

Conference Posters & Presentations
- Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) – “Evaluation of a Novel Clinical Training Program for Medical Students in the 21st Century”
- Association of Professors of Gynecology & Obstetrics (APGO) - Individualized Clinical Coaching for MS3 Students: The Master Clinician Program
Poster Presentations
April 2024
Presentation Event: Committee on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP) Spring Conference
Title: A Novel Clinical Coaching and Mentoring Program for the Medical Student Clerkship Year: The Master Clinician Program
Authors: Chris Cannavino, MD, Shannon Kadlec, MPH
May 2024
Presentation Event: Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting
Title: Putting Health Equity into Context: A Longitudinal Interactive Health Equity Curriculum for the Medical Student Clerkship Year
Authors: Liam Cannavino, Shannon Kadlec, MPH, Kay Rhee, MD, MSc, MA1, Weena Joshi, MD1, Brian Kwan, MD Meghan Sebasky, MD Jamie LaBuzetta, MD, MSc, Mphil, Caitlin Mulligan, MD,Julia Cormano, MD David Klein, MD Jabe Best, MD, Joel Baumgartner, MD6,Charles Coffey, MD, Richard Silva, MD
May 2024
Presentation Event: UCSD 3rd Annual Symposium for Innovation in Medical Education
Title: Perceptions of a Master Clinician Program on the Surgery Clerkship
Authors: Billy Peng, Nicole Goldhaber, Charley Coffey, Chris Cannavino, Joel Baumgartner
Spring 2023
Presentation Event: Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) Conference
Title: Evaluation of a Novel Clinical Skills Training Program for Medical Students on the Internal Medicine Clerkship
Authors: Meghan Sebasky MD, Anand D Jagannath MD, Chris Cannavino MD, Shannon Kadlec MPH, Brian Kwan MD
Spring 2023
Presentation Event: Academic Academy of Neurology (AAN) Conference
Title: Evaluation of a Novel Clinical Training Program for Medical Students on their Neurology Clerkship
Authors: Caitlin Mulligan, Chris Cannavino, Shannon O’Donnell, and Jamie LaBuzetta